Illuminating Your Natural Leadership Style

Leading the Way, In Your Own Way.

In a previous journal I discussed that we are all leaders.  Whether we have a job title that denotes leadership or not – we are leaders. We lead in our career, our businesses, and our relationships. Every time we engage with another human, we are in a moment of deciding how we will lead -how we will show up in that conversation.  

In this journal I want to take a closer look at natural leadership styles by touching on the 4 leadership domains.  Being aware of the leadership choices that you make - What you choose to do in your leadership roles - is heavily influenced by past experience with positive and negative leaders, and your personal experience to this point.

Understanding your leadership style – which domain you naturally lead from – not only gives you clarity into your natural style but it also provides you with insight into your strengths, hidden gems and what happens when things aren’t going right.  As we know, this clarity will bring effectiveness and ease to your relationships.

Leading through People

Focus in on open communication, interpersonal understanding, coaching and collaboration.  It can be seen in leaders who utilize people’s strengths in a collaborative and effective fashion. Through this focus these leaders can build rapport and create strong teams.

Empathic & natural inclination to see other’s perspectives

Naturally collaborative

Leading with Vision

Focus is on constant development, inspiration, strategy, and innovation. Involves attending to complex external influences that impact the current and future direction of your business.  It’s the thinking or the long term, seeking out, and capitalizing on new possibilities.

High levels of abstract thinking

Bold and confident in their ideas

Leading to Deliver

Focus in on commitments and objectives.  Involves attending to the ‘hear and now’ What needs to be done in the short-term.  Thinking through the details, processes, and the execution of activities to achieve results.

Naturally attentive to details

Natural desire to create structure out of ambiguity.

 Leading with Drive

Focus in on pushing things forward.  It centers on personal drive, influencing others, delegating effectively, and pushing the team to excel.  Leaders with a lot of energy in these qualities can be focused and convincing, communicating in a clear and direct fashion.

High energy levels and fast-paced approach to life

Comfortable taking responsibilities for group decisions.

Which domain resonates with you? Which probable behaviors feel like your natural tendencies? 

The truth is that all of the domains may speak to you.  We don’t function out of one leadership domain.  Depending on the circumstance, whether things are favorable, or you are overextended you rely on different leadership qualities.  Awareness & Clarity will change your life.  

Sign-up for our newsletter so that you can be informed when our new workshop series, The Heart of the Matter, is launched so that you can begin your journey of discover into your authentic self and your natural leadership style.


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