Costron + Co First Anniversary - How do you measure a year?

Wow – Costron + Co. is celebrating it’s first anniversary! 

Our first year – full of collaboration and heart centered work supporting entrepreneurs. It is crazy when we consider all that has happened during our first year – in the world and in our small business.  There were important lessons, disappointments, moments of gratitude, and wonderful successes – just what should be anticipated in the journey of developing a business. 

What did we envision for an enriched client experience?  

There is more behind the “Co” of our branding then you may realize


Just a short year ago we had three brands operating and the overwhelm was evident.  Marketing, and operating three brands was not efficient, and lacked synergy.  Costron + Co. was born from this overwhelm and desire to cultivate clarity, confidence & calm in our lives.  Allowing each person to focus on our  unique abilities, and for there to be an enriched client support and experiences. 

Jacquie: launching and growing your small business + financial wellness

Mackenzie: systems and processes + wellness and mindfulness

Richard: business administration + accounts management


We are called to serve you, the small business owners.  Just as you’re called by your dream and vision to be of loving service in your community.   You have that something only you can bring to the world. Whether you are launching your business or looking to take it to the next level, we are here to help you on your unique and beautiful journey.

Collaborators / Consultants

It is a joy for us to collaborate and consult with specialists in many areas within business.  When you work with Costron + Co, trust that you will be in good hands with those specializing in areas of marketing, business management, systems and processes.  We got you. 


Residing in our home, we are united in the We space.  At Costron + Co we consciously take moments to bring in the guidance and wisdom from Mother Earth.  Showing us the way towards the Divine Light, Love + Wisdom that lives in each and every one of us. 

How have we moved forward with our vision? 

We are excited about the progress that we made in developing and delivering our signature programs Kairos Journey where we have blended heart centered living, business skill development, mentoring and coaching. We established collaborative relationships with like minded organizations such as KEDCO (Kingston Economic Development Corporation) and WOSEN (Women of Ontario Social Enterprise Network).  But we are the most thrilled about the hundreds of individuals and entrepreneurs that we have connected with through guest presentations,  our own workshops and signature programs, and 1-on1 individual mentorship & coaching. 

But how do you measure 365 days?  

We believe in the 525600 minutes and moments that confirm that you are on your authentic path. 

For us, it is those moments. When we see the clarity in a client’s eyes as they work through a challenge they are having, when we feel their confidence because they now have the systems in place that will allow them to continue to grow, and when we are in the presence of their calm as they connect to their authentic self. 

This is what we want to bring to our clients ~ clarity, confidence & calm ~ and when we see these things unfold it is one of our 525600 minutes of how we measure a year. 

We are grateful for those of you who we have connected with, and we would be honoured to connect with others who feel our experience, skills, and heart centered focus resonates with them.  

Until such time as we connect again we leave you with the reminder to measure your life in those moments - when you know things are just like they are supposed to be. 

How do you measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee.

 In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. 

In 525,600 minutes – how do you measure a year in the life?

How about love?

Journeys to plan. 

In truths that you’ve learned. 

Remember the love! 

Seasons of love!


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