Costron + Co. is a dream actualized! To have co-founded this firm with my daughter is a thing of beauty for me.

I navigated the corporate world for 27+ years where I led a team of 45+ professionals and worked with them to build their businesses. We focused on the technical aspects of the industry, as well as business planning, marketing, and business administration. I envisioned a day where I could navigate into personal practice and step away from the corporate requirements. I wanted to focus on the support and development of social enterprise entrepreneurs. My greatest joy is watching a client have a break-though - one of those ah ha moments!

As lifelong learner, I have a toolkit that will build a unique and personalized approach to your business journey. This unique toolkit allows me to support you as your life twists, turns and shifts. I am a Certified Executive & Life Coach, Licensed Facilitator of the teachings of Danielle Laporte, a Lumina Learning Practitioner and a Certified Financial Planner (retired). I also have training in financial therapy which provides an understanding of people's relationship with money. This combination of training and experiences provides me with a unique lens to support you in our soul-aligned journey.

My heart centered life is unfurled & aligned; through curiosity, grace & light.

Jacquie, Co-Founder

Hi there!

I specialize in:

Connecting the Dollars 

I know that number stuff can be overwhelming. You want a comfortable understanding of what it all means, and then you want to know what is important to your business and you and your family. Take a deep breath – I got ya! I will make it feel simpler, creating clarify, confidence and calm in your life.

Launching & Growing Your Business

Whether you have that great idea percolating in your mind and don’t know where to start or maybe you are a few years in, and your business is growing but you are disconnected to your purpose. We can start at the beginning, determine what needs to happen to start or adjust and get you back on track.

Asking Great Questions

So many ideas, so many thoughts – what is the next step. A great question will give you the gift of insight. You work in your world all day which gives you a unique lens. Sometimes it just takes someone else’s lens to give you the clarity on what you need to do next. 

10 Questions with Jacquie

What’s your favourite professional development book or podcast?

Gosh this is tough… Dr. Brené Brown, Danielle Laporte are constants for me. I just completed the Indigenous Canada Certification through University of Alberta - something I feel that every Canadian should take.

What’s the best part of your work?  

Watching a client experience a breakthrough as they move towards their soul-aligned purpose.

Best piece of advice you’ve received? 

That our weaknessses are our strengths overused. It is this teaching that brought me to be a Lumina Learning Practitioner. .

What is one thing that you are commonly told you excel at? 

Asking great questions. Clients are grateful for the thought provoking questions I ask.

What charity do you support? 

I am drawn to supporting a diverse group of charities and have been on numerous boards and committees over the years. Today, my time is focused on supporting The Art of Courage.

What brings you the greatest joy? 

Chilling with my family. Road trips to new locations and revisiting those places with special memories. Extra joy, when these two things collide.

What is on your bucket list?

Work remotely and travel for parts of the year.  Hence, meet Doris (image below). Doris is a new-to-us motorhome and is named in memory of Richard’s mother. She had dreams of traveling but life didn’t provide the opportunity – so now she is. She had her 1st road trip started August 25th 2020 and now she is waiting for COVID protocols to be lifted.

Where would we find you on a Saturday afternoon?

At home with a cup of tea, a good book and a comfy chair or walking the dogs communing with nature. I would like to say at lunch with a tribe member connecting and supporting each other but that is happening virtually now.

Cat or dog?

Dogs all day, all the time. And typically, two at a time. Today we enjoy, Bert (named after my father Robert) and Ella (named after my mother Jeanine Mary-Stella)

Tea or coffee?

Tea – in case my naturopath reads this. I love my coconut milk latte but sadly coffee is a rare treat for me. Good thing I love my tea too. 

There is no passion to be found playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.

—Nelson Mandela