The Call into Your Zone of Genius

Do you hear that voice inside of you calling you?   The call to shift you and move toward your zone of genius. With every breath you take, you feel the pull to weave light into the world. Each step you’ve taken, in the pain and joy of your journey has had a purpose that brought you to this moment. All of these experiences define your unique perspective and beautiful lens which will be your  zone of genius in being of loving service to the community. 

From Fear Space to Trust Space

Yes, there are likely many businesses in your field of expertise. With perhaps one, or a few, in your community.  It can be overwhelming and intimidating. The “I’m not enough” syndrome kicks in. In Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear” there’s a section of the book where she speaks about originality vs. authenticity. This is poignant for those thinking about launching a business. Gilbert states, “maybe you fear you are not original enough. Maybe that’s the problem - you’re worried that your ideas are commonplace and pedestrian, and therefore unworthy of creation… I have an idea, but I’m afraid it’s already been done… Well yes, it’s probably already been done. Most things have already been done - but they have not yet been done by you.” 

From Comparison Space to Worth Space

In Western culture comparison is an integral part of our society. We compare in many spaces both personally and professionally; social media likes/ follows measurements, being good enough parent, child, partner etc., grade comparisons with fellow students, being selected for a work opportunity, your “competition” releasing a beautiful product/ offering. Through eons of patriarchal, conditioned, ego spaces these comparisons take shape through subconscious programming and pain narratives, the desire for self perfection, the message to succeed and be approved by others, patterns and habits that are not aligned with heart centered living. 

It’s no wonder that many of us experience anxiety, shame, envy, resentment, criticism in both self and at relational levels. Many spiritual teachers, including clinical psychologist Dr. Shefali Tsabary, speak about being born complete and whole. When we come into the world, our innate wisdom is internally present, without influence from our caregivers or the external environment. Tsabary states it’s imperative to us to, “make space for the spirit of your [Inner] Child to unfold.”

Shine Your Light - Private & Group Sessions

There is room for all of us to create meaningful heart centered businesses. I truly believe there is room for everyone to embrace their entrepreneurial spirit and to weave their purpose into the world. In connection to elements of spirituality, all this beautiful loving light from every human doing meaningful work, simply flows from one person to the next. If you have a glimmer or spark of curiosity bubbling inside of you, listen to it, follow your instincts.  Because the world wants to hear you - unique, brilliant, powerful you!  Is it time? 

Costron + Co is excited to introduce Shine Your Light!  A workshop to explore your authentic self, connect to your heart, and envision your dream. 

Shine Your Light is an exploration into honouring your identity, having confidence in your story, and celebrating your true strengths that exist in you right now, right here in this moment. You will dream about your vision and contributions to your community as a heart centered entrepreneur.

When you operate from this place of clarity and create a vision that will support you to serve from a place of joy. It will naturally resonate with you and the people you are called to work with. You will create a business that thrives and cultivates a life of ease, calm and passion-filled purpose.

This workshop is designed both for individuals and groups. Specifically the beautiful...

  • New and Aspiring Entrepreneurs

  • Start Up Business Owners

  • Seasoned Business Owners who feel burned out and disconnected from a heart centered business

  • Those moved to listen to that glimmer inside, calling you to develop a heart centered company in your community. 

  • Those interested in clearly defining your vision for your dream business to be of loving service to the world

If this workshop speaks to you please connect with us for private bookings for both groups and individuals!  We would be honoured to hear from you. 

You Are More - Danielle LaPorte

You are more than your name

you are more than your frame

more than your DNA.

You are more plenty than all that you have given birth to.

And all those big big wishes! …

You are even bigger —

imagine that (imagine anything)

and you are more.

You are gone gone gone beyond

the beyond of what started This All.

I pray you desire temples of peace 

and benevolent tsunamis of love,

and that you realize your size

in relation to this universal declaration:

I desire.

You are the core

and the more 




Heavy Truths Call Not for Celebration


We Are All Leaders