The Heart of The Matter

I am curious by nature. My recollection is that I have always been curious. 

I am not curious in the let's dig into the research kind of way. I actually don’t like data that much. My curiosity sits in the conceptual. I am curious about how things work in more of an intuitive way.  

Shifting away from working in corporate roles and starting a private practice has allowed me to dig into my curiosity. To stop and reflect on how things work and conceptualize on how seemingly different approaches could work together. 

I recently completed training to become a Lumina Spark Practitioner. I have had Lumina Spark in my life for many years but recently I was drawn to becoming certified – to take a deeper dive into the work and then to dig into the connection between Lumina Spark and the heart centered work that I do with the Desire Map program. 

What is Lumina Spark? 

It is a personal psychometric tool.  It is unique amongst psychometric tools because it avoids any stereotyping. It provides a highly interactive colourful framework for better self-understanding and helps people identify strength. This learning helps to improve your relationships with others and your effectiveness in pursuing the priorities that you establish in your life.  

What is the impact that this understanding would bring you? 

It increases self-awareness and reveals hidden potential.  When you bring the clarity of Lumina Spark into your life you collaborate more effectively bringing greater results.  And you improve your relationships both at home and in business. 

Lumina Spark provides a foundation that will help you cope better under pressure, and for me during this crazy time in our life finding ways to cope better is a great investment of my time. Tools, that will not only help me, but will also serve my clients well.  Who wouldn’t invite the wisdom of your unique strengths to regain composure and increase effectiveness? 

Why does this engage my curiosity? 

In my personal journey and my work with clients utilizing the Desire Map process I observe my own challenges with fulfilling the priorities that I make to myself.  When I step back and look at my personal Lumina Spark portrait and my heart centered priorities, I am curious on their connection.  

Does a connection exist and what can I learn from it? Are there personal strengths, hidden treasures or paradoxes that exist in my being, that when shifted would provide a more robust platform for me to live the life that I desire? 

This is where I currently am – conceptualizing and even reviewing the data (sigh) on the connection between a scientific assessment of who I am with the power of the heart centered work that I do. I can intuitively feel that I am in my own way when it comes to my priorities.   The next steps will be my continued learning, and workshop creation.  

If these ideas resonate with you make sure you are on our newsletter list so that you can stay in the loop on dates.  Don’t hesitate to drop me a note if you want to get on the list and learn more about yourself.  Always check back here to see where my learning has taken me.

Stay Curious My Friends,




Systems for Ease


Dark to Light: Loving Your Suffering