Envisioning Next Year from Here

There are moments when it feels like the year has just sped by. And other moments when 2020 flew by like a herd of turtles.   How is that?  How can time be slow & fast?

It is easy at this time of year to look back. Our careers/business are beckonning to us to be reflective and plan for next year.  Also, the holiday season can bring reflective moments; on times in the past, and of people who are no longer with us. Added to the mix this year is that we are also reflective on the incredibly different holiday season we are having and the tremendous sacrifices that we are making being away from loved ones.

It feels, to me, that the exciting & rewarding parts of 2020 and the days that I was engaged in meaningful work flew by.  The days that were a touch point or milestone to a typical family/friend gathering or celebration were struggles and they crept by.  When I look back the fun went fast the challenging crawled by.

I have made a lot of transition in the last few years in my career & life. I recovered from a significant injury and like you I am trying to fumble my way through a pandemic.  I am finding this a tough week – as I write this journal entry it is actually Winter Solstice; a bit grey and dull outside.  I have holiday shopping and baking done, so at least I can check that off the list. The reality is that there are many things that I would typically have checked off my list that I am having trouble getting my head around.

Confession Time: I may have journaled about how to plan during a pandemic – but full-disclosure I am currently experiencing ‘planning-block’. I can not get myself into the ‘zone’ to dream for next year.  So this week planning is on pause.

There is so much that I want to accomplish in this next chapter of my life.  I want to slow down a bit to spend more time in nature, with family/friends & also in solitude.  In business, I want to help entrepreneurs bring their vision to life. I want to show people how they can do good in the world while doing well in their own personal goals. I want to bring them clarity, confidence, and calm.

“Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.”

Chinese Proverb

Rest & Reflection have become my greatest priorities during the balance of 2020. I am counting on January to bring with it the shifts that I need to envision 2021. But if not, and this is a tough one for me; I will live out of pure trust.  I have always been the one to push and strive for goals and hope that things will align into meaningful work.  Now I am going to start with work that is aligned with me and live in pure trust that the universe has my back.  That if I am of service to the world in an authentic and meaningful way that I will achieve my goals.

For 2021, when it comes to my life I am going to:

  • Understand that it takes as long as it takes.

  • That I don’t need to earn my rest.

  • That discipline is wildly liberating.

  • Gratitude attracts more reasons to be grateful.

  • It’s possible.

I sense that 2021 will bring a mixed basket of experiences - like most years. I see crappy things - like more separation from friends and family. But mostly, I see myself living in alignment with my heart and surrounded by people who are trying to move humanity foward.

Can you see your next year from here?


Dark to Light: Loving Your Suffering


A Year in Review: Highlights & Lowlights