Hello, Sweet Sensitivity

The stories we are taught to believe are endless: don’t cry or you'll appear weak, don’t show emotion or people won’t take you seriously, don’t let your clients know you are struggling or they won’t think you are professional. Your vulnerability shows how fragile you are. Your stories of pain, fear, and conflict confirm that you’re not enough. 

In a society that systematically praises strength, fearlessness, and power, we are conditioned to lean away from the wholeness of being human. The dark parts of self are not to be seen by our community and even ourselves. And they must especially not be shown in our business. We push, dismiss, resist, numb, and/or avoid our fear because it’s not “supposed” to be here.

Society tells us this, time and time again, both through how our community shows up in the world and the messaging that’s continuously around us. This can lead us to feel like we’re running our business in isolation. There is fear about sharing our struggles, even within our business support networks.

Sensitivity is Strength

Your big heart is nothing to be ashamed of. Caring doesn’t make you weak, it makes you human.  

~ Mackenzie Costron

Over these past months I have learned into themes of:

  • Radiance: honouring the beautiful light that define the essence of who I am

  • Compassion: nurturing space, rest and stillness to restore and grow

  • Wisdom: listening to the All Knowing voice coming from my internal heart space

  • Loving Kindness: accepting all parts of myself - the Light and the Shadow - with humility, grace and all-inclusiveness 

Leaning into, and moving through, the uncomfortable continues to support my journey of growth and healing. When I am feeling emotional, overwhelmed, or stressed, I ask my heart what needs loving acceptance. I breathe into these shadow parts of self. These feeling states serve a valuable purpose in my life as they define my wholeness of being divinely human. 

I know that my sensitivity is the strength that has brought me this far. It has at the most basic level provided awareness to survival instincts. And at other layers has grown my resiliency and my ability to continue to face the uncomfortable. It has shaped me as a person and directed my journey both as a human and an entrepreneur.

Nurturing the Heart Space as a Heart Centered Entrepreneur

Your sensitivity is your superpower.

~ Unknown

As a heart centered entrepreneur I have encountered the not worthy / not enough messages many times.  When I am connected to my ego - the searching, striving, pleasure seeking part of self - I become immediately disconnected from my radiant, compassionate, wise, loving heart. I must make a conscious practice each day to choose my preferred states of being.

Sensitivity brings awareness to what truly matters and helps me step into my preferred states, in turn nurturing humanity and the place we call home. Through these states of being:

  • We have a depth of experience to connect with others and empathize with their stories

  • We have intuitive nurturing skills 

  • We are able to cultivate appreciation and gratitude for life’s beauty

  • We tend to have a keen sense self-awareness

  • We are well versed in caring for self and community

Source: https://highlysensitiverefuge.com/being-highly-sensitive-good-thing/ 

I am less effective in my business when I am connected to the searching for and demanding (mostly of myself) perfectionism, pleasure, and certainty. When the ego is in the driver's seat, my logical mind runs the show from a space not grounded in truth. When I lead with gentle loving kindness with self and connect to my heart mind, I’m able to grow this same understanding in others in serving my Costron + Co and Find Your Voice Music Therapy communities.  

It’s an honour to connect with your stories of the beauty of being human. In holding space for you, my aim is to shine light on your path in honouring all parts of self so you can extend this light into the community with your heart centered business. Let’s take care of one another and honour the beautiful parts that define who we are. 

We rest in wholeness

 ~ Course in Miracles


New Beginnings. New Possibilities.


Know Thy Self. Love Thy Self.