Letting Nature be our Guide - Business Planning & the Lunar Cycle

Have you ever been doing something mindless when ‘suddenly’ the solution to your challenge appears? 

Ever looked up at the sky and had an epiphany?

Most of my approaches and solutions have been found when I am not thinking about it – when I let my own wisdom and heart guide me.  Sometimes I lose track of this past experience and forget to leave myself space in my calendar; to just be, to reflect on my business and life.

There have been times during the pandemic where it has felt like it has been business as usual. Where I could plan and execute with fluid results. There have also been many times where I couldn’t find the rhythm. If I am unwise, I jump on social media and read all sorts of posts that tell me how to strive, which drives me to push to try to implement but it typically leads me to feeling frustrated and unaccomplished.  

These moments are a grim reminder that I am not staying committed to my practice of being kind to myself.  A reminder to lead my life and my business from my heart and to be in-tune with the ebbs and flows of my effectiveness.  Never have I ever had to remind myself of the practice of ease and space in my daily life as frequently as I have during the COVID pandemic, and this has intensified since the start of 2022.

As I continue the practice of living a heart centered life, I find myself searching for an approach to planning and accomplishing in my business that feels more in tune with nature.  To understand the seasons in a year, the lunar cycle, and the impact that these seasons/cycles have on us humans and business owners. We understand the change in seasons and how it impacts nature. We realize that as I write this in January nature is hibernating, which is a time of rest.  Yet, our culture has declared it the beginning of a new year and when we are supposed to start things off “right” and with a bang!  Are we actually just fighting the natural rhythms?  Is there a way that would create more ease and still achieve our goals, away from the Eurocentric systems that define our lifestyle and workflow? 

To some degree, we are all familiar with the impact of the lunar cycle. We watch the tides come in and out, and we make comments when something unusual happens that ‘it must be a full moon’.  How far can the lunar cycle impact our natural rhythm of being more effective?  We all know we have days where we get more done, and days where things just don’t seem to come as easy.  Is there a connection to nature? 

With just dipping my toe in the great big sea of information available on the internet – just type in ‘Lunar cycle business planning’ into your search engine – I find a rabbit-hole of information that I will continue to explore.  What do I know so far? 

That we have had a deep connection to the moon - especially women - but in our modern world we sometimes forget to seek its guidance.  As humans we are called  to implement, reflect, and renew each month just as the moon needs to withdraw and renew.  That there is truth that we experience different emotional states as the moon moves through its cycle.  So maybe, if we were more in-tune with these phases and how they affect us we would be able to harness our effectiveness and have the wisdom for gentleness when needed.  Imagine what this could mean for your business and life?  What would the impact be on your energy and wellbeing?

There is an indication and belief that during a month the 8 lunar phases bring a natural state that influences us.  We could use these energies to inform our business and life to be more effective and have more ease. 

1. New Moon - New Beginning

2. Waxing Crescent - Setting Intentions

3. First Quarter Moon - Taking Action

4. Waxing Gibbous - Refining & Evaluating

5. Full Moon - Harvesting

6. Waning Gibbous - Gratitude

7. Last Quarter - Releasing

8. Waning Crescent - Surrendering

In 2022 we decided that we are going to be more mindful.  To pay attention to the lunar cycle and the ebbs/flows in our business effectiveness. To understand when we need space to just be and for reflection and when we have to focus on implementation. It will require a bit of documenting/journaling to learn from this experience but our curiosity on new ways to approach business and remaining heart centered has inspired us. You can follow our curiosity through our journals. 

If you are called to explore the lunar cycle join us for a Lunar New Year Reflect & Renew Workshop being held over two 90 minutes virtual sessions; Feb 4th & Feb 11th at 3:30 to 5:00 EST.  For more information email Jacquie@CostronCo.com


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