Your Money $tory
How is your Relationship with Money Impacting Your Entrepreneurial Journey?
The time-honoured tradition of ‘work hard and you will make money’. We have all heard this, that working hard is the conduit to earning an income – time is money after all. This traditional thought leads us to the story of trading time for money – Is this your story? Is it serving you well?
Could this tradition of time = money be limiting your potential? Could it be possible that this tradition is creating a container that restricts your potential? You only have 24 hours in a day, and you only have so much creative capacity in any given day – how can you achieve more when this container creates limits?
Is there another perspective that could bring new creative space and different financial outcomes?
How are your past experiences with money impacting you today?
Do you know what money means to you?
Is your current money mindset impacting your ability to achieve full vibrant abundance?
For most of us, the answer to these questions is yes. Wisdom is found in discovering the “why” and “how” in each of our own Money Stories. The path to this wisdom is one of reflection, and likely some dialogue with a mentor, coach, therapist, or confidant.
Our Money Story is formed through our journey in life: our experiences as a child, in relationships, in career, and as an observer of the media.
Did you receive an allowance as a child? Was it given in exchange for your time, a result, or with ‘no strings attached’?
Was money ever held as an instrument of power?
Have you been paid appropriately for the value you brought to your work?
Have you had life experiences where money was in an extreme: from not enough to abundance? Do these experiences shape your perspective as to how money is ‘gathered’?
What has the media and societal western narratives taught you about money?
And many other thought-provoking questions.
The impact of not building awareness around your money story shows up in your confidence, and in the management of the financial affairs of your business. In my experience, as an Entrepreneurial Business Strategist, clients who are not comfortable pricing their value and those that are not organized in the money stuff of a business are those that are not comfortable with money.
Your ability to shift your money story to one of empowerment directly impacts your ability to confidently price your offerings as an entrepreneur. It creates a foundation for you to bravely step forward and manage the daily activities that are required as an entrepreneur.
Money is Usually Attracted Not Pursued.
Jim Rohn