The Space In-Between

The space in-between: the space between life as we knew it to the new normal that will unfold once we are done with physical distancing.  This is where we are today – in the space in-between.  

We will always remember the moment we understood the severity of what we are experiencing.  I am confident that in your mind’s eye, you can picture where you were, what you were doing and whom you were with.  It will forever be one of those moments frozen in time. 

As humans, we engage our left brain and right brain to endeavour to develop a story that allows us to move forward each day. This journey is unique for each of us, but there is a central theme: we must feel we have some sense of control when everything seems to be out of control. 

We need to ask ourselves what we can do to build our sense of control, which ultimately leads to less fear. 

Here are just a few of my thoughts:

  • Nourish yourself, move regularly and get proper rest. Maybe this is the time to start your meditation practice; science proves it works to reduce stress and anxiety.  It is important to remain grounded.   

  • Set a schedule to maintain a routine as much as possible.  If you are working from home, chances are that your schedule has virtual meetings, which helps with structure and connection.  But schedule breaks to nourish and move, and turn off the tech at the end of the business day.  

  • If your business had to close and you are physical distancing from home, set a schedule, tackle your list of back-burner projects and arrange for social connection online. I have shifted my client meetings to online, and I make sure that every day, I connect to someone one beyond my home over a virtual cup of tea.

There will be more thoughts to come. While I hope I can talk to you weekly, I am juggling client needs and working to understand and absorb the support programs being offered by all levels of government for all of my clients and connections, so I can’t promise one will be published weekly. 

What I do promise is a bit of information that I hope provides you with courage and confidence to move forward.  I’m also committing to a free hour of support for anyone who needs clarity to navigate the response programs.  To stay current, connect with me on Facebook and/or LinkedIn

In an effort to bolster local talent, I’ll also be featuring local experts. I know that at times like this, we need support more than ever.  Each newsletter will feature a service provider or two that can support you in your well-being or in your business. I feel it’s important to support local now more than ever because following this space of in-between, we will need to carry our community forward so that we can thrive again and then reach beyond our boundaries to help others.


Creating Hope in What Appears to be a Hopeless Time


March Mindful Mindset