Taking the 1st Small Step to Allyship


Putting pen to paper - or fingers to keyboard in this case – is again proving to be a challenge. At this moment I have much to say and no words to articulate my thoughts and feelings. I mentioned in my last blog that I would talk about the learning and experience of hosting the KEDCO call on Navigating Marketing & Social Caused as a Small Business Owner. I have thought a lot about the experience in the last two weeks. 

The experience was rich with learning, unlearning and growth. There were these small amazing moments where shifts happened, people connected across communities, and the idea of changing being possible could just be felt. The learning and unlearning began as soon as I started to work with the panelists and organizers to prepare for the call. The whole experience was a blessing, and there are some key things that I am still reflecting on. 

  • Allyship is a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, abundance, and kindness. It is an arduous process of unlearning and re-evaluating.

  • Although difficult and complicated it is also straight forward. The history, the issues and the solutions are complicated but it is straight forward, that the path to equality is to lead with love. 

  • Lead with love in how I treat others, how I use my influence, how I use my purchasing power and how I use my vote. 

  • Leading with love is straight forward; it is treating others with kindness, respect and believing in abundance. 

  • The more I learn the more I realize I have much more to learn.   

  • The issues will not be solved unless all of us come to the table. BIPOC and LGQTB2S+ communities can not achieve equality with out me – or with out you. 

  • That it is my responsibility to be less fragile; our marginalized communities don’t need to walk on eggshells around us as we navigate our journey to allyship.

  • That the journey to allyship is going to be bumpy, clumsy, and sometimes ugly. 

  • I am going to embark on that journey regardless. Shining my lite on the struggles of others so that their voices can be amplified.

I know, I know I am only one person. That’s ok this one person is going to do her part, in her authentic way.  Care to join me? 

“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.” - Paul Shane Spear


Meet Doris the Roadtripper


What A Wonderful World It Would Be.