Serving with Joy

Costron + Co Journal: Serving Joy

As entrepreneurs, we have experienced the benefits that great support from our team and collaborators provide for tasks outside of our wheelhouse. To grow a business, it is crucial to be aware of new opportunities for synergy. We’ve all had those points at various stages of our business when we feel the weight of juggling all the ‘stuff & things,’ and we come to realize that if we want to continue to serve with joy, structural changes may be needed for a return to clarity, confidence and calm. 

Like the old adage says “Jack of all trades. Master of none.”

As the workload increases, a team and/or collaborators will help you streamline processes and enhance service offerings, which directly improves your ability to serve with joy, and results in dynamic and fulfilling client relationships. When the days move too quickly and there is always more work than time, obtaining support in key areas will let you return to sharing your unique gifts with the world. 

We are excited that we are at this stage! And thrilled (and ya bit nervous) to announce the blending of three brands.  It is time for us to have team synergy, the impact of a singular defined brand, and the power of individuals focusing on their unique gifts.

Welcome to Costron + Co. 

We are excited to share the news - and the journey - with you!  We know that we will learn lots on our collective venture forward and promise to share what we learn so make sure you sign up for our newsletter + journal.

Today you will see the melding of three brands: Costron Coaching, DELEGATE Kingston & Jacquie Costron into a new brand Costron + Co. We are thrilled by the work of one of one of our collaborators (more about her in another blog) and feel that our new website for Costron + Co. is a beautiful representation of how we want to serve our clients.

Over the coming weeks you will learn firsthand from our team members why they have chosen this direction. Why the melding of three businesses – and family businesses to boot - is the right thing for us.

But today we want you to know that what has previously drawn you to work with our businesses remains, and you can count on more of the same.

Costron + Co. prides itself on weaving together our team’s skills, perspectives, and values.  As business strategists and small business support we want each of our clients to connect with their soul, allowing them to thrive in their business using their unique gifts while they delegate the rest to bring clarity, confidence, and calm to their life.  By focusing on their authentic self, their company becomes something that deeply resonates with them.

Costron + Co. brings over 30 years of experience in support and empowerment

We have expertise in:

  • Launching + Growing Your Small Business

  • Business Systems + Processes

  • Connecting the Dollars from Purpose to Profit

  • Finance + Bookkeeping

  • Administrative Support

  • Teams + Talent

  • Wellness + Mindfulness

Being invited into the business lives of our clients and working with them to monetize their purpose is what truly brings us JOY.

We welcome all people into our space, including person(s) with disabilities, LGBT2Q+, BIPOC, and others who identify with historically marginalized and under-represented communities.  

It is going to be a journey of learning so signup for our newsletter to stay in the loop and follow us on Facebook at Costron + Co. and on Instagram @costronco. 

Here’s to New Adventures!


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