Self-Care is Doing the Things That Make Your Soul Shine

OK… hands up if you have had any of the following feelings during the last month: 

Overwhelmed? Uncertain? Lonely? Tired? Restless? Scared? Hopeful? Grateful? 

Yep – me too. And everyone else in the world. The feelings come and go, and more times than not, I am feeling hopeful and grateful. But every once in a while, I slide away from hope and start to feel the pressure of the crisis we are facing in the world. 

We have likely all read lists of things we should do to take advantage of this time, to learn, grow, achieve in our business, and practice self-care. These are great ideas and valuable information. Stuff that we can try to do during this space-in-between. But somedays, these things seem too grand, too much and just not possible. Some days, all those ideas that others have to offer don't seem to resonate. 

So here are some helpful tips on what you should do on the days you are feeling overwhelmed:

Yep, that’s my list because there is nothing that you SHOULD do on the days you are overwhelmed except what you feel capable of. Just simple take care of yourself, in your way, at that moment. 

Because that is enough. 

Because YOU are enough. 

“Caring for your body, mind, and spirit is your greatest and grandest responsibility. It’s about listening to the needs of your soul and then honoring them.”

-- Kristi Ling


Your Strength Lies in Your Tenacity


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