Pursue your purpose with curiosity.

The idea of my purpose being ‘where my deep gladness serves the world’ is a deeply inspirational idea for me.  I genuinely believe that if we can find that sweet spot, where service and deep gladness intersect, we will find passion in our work that inspires us every morning, and at every obstacle. 

I have had 6 distinct affiliations in my career journey. Some of them have provided the opportunity for growth within the company. Others have been only one position before I moved on to spread my wings elsewhere. Leading me to making the entrepreneurial leap in 1992.

All these affiliations can be described as a role where I was to ‘meet someone’s needs.’ From a Directory Assistance Operator recently out of high school – yep not kidding. I entered that world when they still had huge paper phone books and we used rubber thimbles to flip the pages with speed to find the phone number. We quickly shifted to technology – which I welcomed, but it was interesting to observe the resistance to change unfold with some co-workers. Wow! Is that a throw back – but people need a phone number, so I provided it.  As I reflect, that although ok at the time, this did not fulfill my ability to move humanity forward. 

As my education and journey continued the impact of the service that I provide became more meaningful to me. From staff roles in the non-profit/charitable sector where I focused my attention on providing the framework so young girls could have an adult role model. To my years in the financial services sector where I guided clients to create the financial confidence & financial freedom they desired and then shifted my focus to guide the team of financial planners to work with clients, and build their own financial freedom. All those roles, to me, were about serving the needs of others to move humanity forward. 

Today I am so grateful that my journey has brought me to where – in this moment - my deep gladness serves the world. As a small business strategist, I have the honour of having conversations with entrepreneurs every day; guiding them to work through their obstacle to see the opportunity, through their self-doubt to courage & confidence, to unharnessing their own ability to live the life that they desire. 

Their definition. Their dreams. 

That is my deep gladness. My desire is to help people unharness their own ability to live in ease, to move from strive to thrive, so that together, we can move humanity forward. 

I have come to realize that this moment could shift, that my deep gladness could move towards another way to serve humanity. I am grateful for the place I am in right now and will be curious as to where my journey will take me. 

I hope you will be curious with me. 


COFFEE CHAT: Diana Reyers


COFFEE CHAT: Shari Doherty