Make Each Day A Masterpiece

As I referenced in my blog last week there were points in my career journey that were appropriate at the time but not truly my authentic purpose. I’ve been reflecting on this and asking myself what I discovered along the way. Why, did I stay in those roles? What sparked the change to move on to something else? 

The thing is with career paths is that they are just that – Paths. They are not a singular event but rather a series of roads and milestones. Sometime in life we take a smooth progressive journey on our career path with both career growth and personal growth unfolding along the way. Other times we can take the wrong turn – whether the GPS is on or not – and not end up where we expected, or we discover we aren’t enjoying that spot as much as we anticipated. 

Last week my blog and newsletter focused on the journey to your purpose. I reflected and chatted on journeys that were less direct and what was learned along the way. This week I have been thinking about how to bring passion to your work when you are at a spot that does not fully resonate. How to make each day a masterpiece. 

If our passion is linked to purpose; How can we find passion when we are not aligned with our purposeful career? How do we make each day a masterpiece?

Focus on Your Why

Let’s be honest. Every day we feel the tension of our responsibilities and our self-actualization. What we dream of can conflict with our realities of meeting our basic needs and providing for our family.

What did I do to navigate this reality in my career path?

~ I became clear on my why. Why it was necessary for me to be in that role in that moment.  I reflected on how it provided me with the ability to provide for myself, my family, and the ability to fund the path to my purpose. 

~ I focused on what I could do each day to make one small step to move towards a career that was more purpose driven.

~ I focused on gratitude. Reflecting on what I was able to accomplish through my income that was aligned to my purpose. I knew that it provided my family with a roof over our heads, and food on our table and the ability to support the community. 

 Consider it a Milestone

If a career path is a series of experiences and milestones, then we can look at the accumulated experiences and see how it is all adding up to fulfilling our purpose. 

What did I do to bring clarity to my career path and all the milestones? 

~ I reflected on my current level of education, skills, and experience. I considered how I could contribute and develop myself and skills that would be steps to the purpose I was pursuing. 

~ I became to understand that my accumulated experience was because of the journey that my purpose can not be achieved if I didn’t gather failures and successes. 

~ I focused on gratitude. Reflecting on the good, the bad and the ugly. As the combination of these experiences became part of me and I am grateful for all those experiences and how they impact my ability to serve clients today. 

Be Your Authentic You

This was the tough one for me. I learnt so many things during my career journey that I would do differently if I were faced with them today.

I came into the ‘workplace’ in the 80s where my female leaders showed their fear based on their experiences. At the time women were just starting to climb the corporate ladder in more significant numbers and sadly there was a fear that there was only space for one or just a few women. It resulted in women being fearful that helping others meant their career paths could be stalled. This resulted in me being careful on what parts of me I could take to the workplace. 

What would I do today while navigating my journey? 

~ Be more vulnerable by surrendering to my competence. I have become to understand the difference between intelligence and wisdom in the workplace. Intelligence is knowing something. Wisdom is knowing when you don’t know something and demonstrating the ability to seek help from others. I would have not been fearful that my weaknesses might impact my opportunity.

~ Be more vulnerable by being true to myself in all circumstances. I sometimes found the balance of embracing change from the corporate level - the opportunities the changes presented -in conflict with the time needed for me and my colleagues to work through the change. I would have spoken my truth to leaders more often and held space for others – and myself - to process the changes. 

~ Be more vulnerable by leaning into the ‘soft’ stuff for my benefit and my colleagues. That learning and growing our emotional skills are one of the greatest assets you will bring to a role. That sharing with each other creates more authenticity in the workplace and builds a culture of thriving. 

How do these things fit into moving through my career journey? They are all parts of my path, to prepare me for when my accumulated experience, my authentic self and the opportunity collided. My collective experience was meant to be. It was all required to build the foundation so that when the perfect moment arrived –  A Kairos Moment - I was ready.   

If you at a spot in your journey that you are anxious to move forward from I encourage you to bring your authentic you to your days and make each day a masterpiece. 

Enjoy your journey!




COFFEE CHAT: Sheri Godfrey