I feel things are shifting. Do you?

For decades (centuries?) there has been an overarching methodology in place in how we accomplished and pursue success in business (I will let you define what success means to you). With just a little bit of google research you can see that in more recent times there has been a shift away from this longstanding approach. 

Google’s Search Inside Yourself program which is a Mindfulness + Emotional Intelligence + Compassionate Leadership program, is just one of many examples of organizations changing the way they lead. And in Googles case they have brought the internal leadership program to the public. Here is the link if you are interested in learning more about the Canadian offering (Nope! Not getting paid to reference this – but it really does look like interesting certification). Organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals are seeking a new way to lead in life, and in business.

I believe the shift is moving from the divine masculine (yang) to the divine feminine (yin). It might appear that I am going all spiritual on you but stick with me.  It can rub us the wrong way to think of certain qualities being inherently “masculine” (i.e., assertive, dominant) and others being “feminine” (i.e., intuitive, caring).  But the reality is that every individual, regardless of what gender we may identify with contain our own cocktail mix of these qualities. Want to dive a little deeper? Check out this goop blog by Deganit Nuur. The article discusses four modalities which poses a different mix of qualities. 

So, what this does this mean? That we can call on our qualities that serve us best in the given situation. 

As women we have historically kept a lid on our feminine/yin qualities when in the workplace. The judgement of the time was that qualities such as; intuition, creativity, and feelings had no place in business. We felt that it was necessary to lean into the more masculine qualities - greater yang energy such as assertive, goal-oriented and power. The shift is that as women we can embrace our intuitive sides and stand confident that this quality has a place in business. Ladies, does your circle need the perspective of the yang qualities? 

As men it is tine to trust your gut, let people know how you feel and be mindful of the feelings of your team. Gentlemen, does your circle need the perspective of the yin qualities? 

Not sure there is credence in my thoughts? Check out the Goldman Sachs announcement on diversity in corporate boards.


Leading with Love


New Year. New Visions.