How Do You Want To Feel?

When I see the hurt and trauma in the world, through TV or social media feeds, I realize I have so much to learn about how to support the vulnerable, care for mother earth, and hold space and be an agent of change for BIPOC community members. 

I listen to blogs and follow subject matter experts, but sometimes end up feeling that there is an endless list of what must be done to live the life - and have the business - that I want. To be a member of humanity in a way that resonates with me.  Sometimes, I can’t find the clarity on what steps I should take next. 

This past Father’s Day weekend, I struggled to find that clarity. Father’s Day isn’t a great day for me, since my father passed in 2013. Although I joyfully participate with my adult children as they celebrate their father, and I am immensely grateful to have a partner that our adult children want to honour every day – bad Dad jokes and all – and honour him on Father’s Day in what ever way that geography and circumstances permit, the honest fact is I miss my Dad. 

I am grateful for the tug on my heart every day when I think of him or see his image on my wall. I am grateful to have been loved by someone so well that it still tugs 7 years later. He was such a good man, father, and grandfather. My typical pattern, at this time of year, is to take some space to reflect on and lean into my father’s wisdom. To hold space for the conversation we would have had in person on Father’s Day past. 

This year, as I reflected, I am quickly reminded that I have strayed from what I know to be true for me – my foundation of core desired feelings. Dad wouldn’t have articulated it to me by that name, but he showed me every day how to live life well, be true to yourself, and serve others. It is our crazy current world circumstances and the nostalgia of Father’s Day past that was the perfect cocktail for me to get off course. I am reminded that there is no endless list of experts that I must listen to. I can look to others for information and for guidance, but I am the only one that knows my truth. 

I feel I should know better – I often coach others that the noise that surrounds us is the thing that makes our compass stray from our truth. The thing about being human is that we all stray - even though I am a Desire Map facilitator that guides people in the process, there are times when I, too, need to be recentred. 

In doing so, I will give myself grace. I will take time to ground myself in my core desired feelings. I will lean into my mantra. 

I believe that life is abundant with kairos moments that I will nourish with graceful love creating joy, and vibrancy.

What do I mean by this statement? 

Kairos ~ I believe that life is abundant with favorable moments for action, and circumstances that open moments of opportunity. 

Graceful Love ~ I will nourish life with love that is graceful, that is peaceful and knows that everything is connected and sacred. 

This foundation will create joy - feeling of great happiness - and vibrancy - energy & enthusiasm - in my life. 

Staying true to this mantra, I can now make choices in my business and in life that are true to my core desired feelings – that resonate with me. I can show up as a member of humanity in a way that shows graceful love. I can look at every moment as a kairos moment. Each day I can make choices that will lead me to more joy and vibrancy in my life. 

Take some time to reflect on your life and our business.  Do you feel like you want to feel? Are you showing up in a way that resonates with how you want to feel? 


COFFEE CHAT: Emily Mersey


COFFEE CHAT: Ann Marie McKenzie