Finding Joy Where You Are


I have been working at self-care for years now. Sometimes I think I’m getting the hang of it. Other times I feel like: Hey wait a minute, I wasn’t looking for another job or list of chores! 

Anybody else feeling a bit overwhelmed?

A couple of years ago, it was health challenges and an injury that forced me to shift my priorities – it’s often the circumstances we don’t plan for that force our hand in taking better care of ourselves. Since then, I’ve had this list of things that I’m constantly trying to accomplish. 

I’m not hitting it out of the park by any means, but I know that I am definitely making progress. I have better health than I did a couple of years ago, but I also must admit that, recently, I feel overwhelmed with self-care. 

For me, the constant messaging about self-care during the pandemic, and the long list of things that I should do, is leading me to feel some anxiety around my self-care regimen. Even using the word regimen is off putting for me. Regimen: coordinated program for the promotion or restoration of health. Yuck! 

So, today I am shifting my mindset to focus on the things I can do and want to do. I will no longer have a regimen but a collection of activities that bring me joy. 

I realize that some self-agency is still required. That focusing on long term joy instead of immediate joy will serve me well – such as skipping wheat-based foods, because the joint aching and swelling is just not worth the brief enjoyment. 

My morning walks, during which I previously lamented the heat, will now become an activity I look forward to - enjoying nature and the playfulness of the two puppies that are part of my home. 

I will find joy in reflection by taking moments in my day to be still and bring awareness to all that I have to be grateful for.

I will find joy in being socially connected with the special people in my life through the power of technology or the sharing of physical space in a safe way. 

I realize that my routine has not suddenly shifted to different activities, but merely my mindset has shifted to leading with joy as I do the same things. 

But isn’t that the whole point of happiness and joy – consciously choosing to find it in your daily reality and the activities you’re already doing? 


What A Wonderful World It Would Be.


COFFEE CHAT: Domi Feichtinger