Back in the Day: Navigating Business Relationship Building

Can you even recall what life was like before social media? How did you build your business? Network? Stay in touch with clients?

If you are like me, you have a push and pull relationship with social media. Some days you like it and some days you hate it.

Social media is a great way to say in touch with family and friends that are near and far.  It provides you with a platform to be informed of current events (well – unless you are in Australia). If you are small business owner, it provides you with a platform to reach millions at a relatively low cost.

These are all great things, but, as we are all aware, social media often has a downside. 

Be Aware of Social Media’s Downside and How it Affects Your Business Confidence

If you are an entrepreneur, you have probably experienced the feelings of inadequacy and the associated imposter syndrome that can be brought on by scrolling and seeing the posts of businesses that are similar to yours. It has happened to all of us where we see a post/video/story/ad and say to ourselves ‘why didn’t I think of that’, or ‘their services sound better than mine’.

The anxiety rises and we beat ourselves up for not doing enough. It erodes our confidence in our business, but especially our confidence in ourselves.

Business Relationship Building: Is There a Better Way?

In our current pandemic circumstances, we can feel that social media is the only to stay connected and get our brand out there. But is it true? Is it the only way?

In my journey as an entrepreneur, I have lived in three provinces, navigating business relationship building in each location. After 20 years in Ontario, I am now building my 4th business. I have a secret to tell – social media has not help me one bit. 

What has helped me? Networking, lifting up other business owners, and focusing on serving my clients well – with the heart-centered goal of always serving exceptionally well.

A Week of Business Relationship Building in the life of an Experienced Entrepreneur

Let’s look back on this past week.  What did I do to build my business and how can others do the same thing?


I had a meeting with another small business owner. We use each others’ services, so as mutual clients we are always helping each other through our expertise and where possible making connections that will lead to more growth in our businesses. I met her through a women’s network group that has monthly lunch meetings. In the good old days, the luncheons were in person. Now we rely on zoom, which isn’t perfect, but great conversations and learning still happen.

Following I had a quick zoom chat with an accountant that provides support to a Non-Profit organization I am involved with. During our frequent conversations, we make sure to discuss the kind of client work that we are doing so there is clarity and comfort to refer to each other.


I connected with a marketing expert that I have used in the past to get clarity on a tech glitch I was experiencing. During the call, I asked how her client work was going and got a sense to when she had space for new clients. She does great work, and I want to be able to refer my clients to her when she has space.


I started my day connecting to another small business owner that I met through another women’s networking group.  We just connected because connection feels great and chatted about the type of work that we are doing. I am in a better position to refer clients to her because I understand more fully the expertise that she brings her clients.

In the afternoon I jumped on a zoom educational workshop with other business owners who are practitioners in the same psychometric resources that I am. In this forum we learn, share, and help each other grow our businesses and ourselves.

Starting Business Relationships with Person-to-Person Connections

Throughout the week I had client meetings, which are my favorite times of the week.  Numerous times, I have been blessed to have a client say, ‘I have got to introduce you to….’

Social media has not played a role in creating these relationships. I have used social media to stay connected and engaged with these business owners, but it was good old-fashioned networking and helping others that was the start of the connection.  

There are some additional ways to add value to these mutually beneficial relationships. Another time we can talk about referral incentives, email marketing, creating useful content, and working with bloggers.

In the meantime, remember that social media is only one of the tools that you can use to build your business. If social media isn’t resonating right now, try networking, helping others, and picking up the phone (or the new virtual phone of video conferencing) to make and grow authentic business connections that serve you and others moving forward.


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